SGO February News Letter

❄️⛄️♥️️February EVENTS♥️️⛄️❄️

Sending some Love & Appreciation - Starting Friday, January 15, the SGO will be collecting cards and letters for our healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, etc.  Your child can make a card or write a letter (do not include your name).  The card or letter can then be dropped off at the Main Entrance of Huber Street School.  A mailbox will be placed outside for your child to put his or her card inside.  The mailbox will remain outside of school until Thursday, February 11.  

Feb. 5th - Super Bowl Kick-Off - Students are encouraged to wear a football jersey or shirt.  Students are also able to wear any sports themed shirt.  Secaucus Patriots shirts/jerseys can also be worn.  

Feb. 8th - “Spread the Love” - Students are encouraged to wear “hippie-like” clothes and/or accessories.  Shirts with peace signs and symbols of love can also be worn.

Feb. 11th - Wear Red, Pink, Purple, or Valentine’s Shirt Day 

Feb. 18th - Pet/Animal Appreciation Day - Students are encouraged to wear shirts with their favorite animal or pet.  Students are also encouraged to take a picture with their pet and send it to Mrs. O’Connor.  We will be collecting items for the Secaucus Animal Shelter from February 18 through February 26.  Items being collected include canned/bagged/boxed food, treats, toys, blankets, towels, etc.  The collection boxes will be placed outside of Huber Street School by the Main Entrance.

Feb. 19th - 100th Day of School - Students are encouraged to dress as if they were 100 years old.  Students can wear clothes and accessories to help them look their best.  This is the TENTATIVE date for the 100th Day.  If there is any change to the date, we will notify you.

Feb. 25th - Decades Day - Students are encouraged to choose a decade (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s) and dress as if they were from that decade.  Accessories may also be worn