The Great LEGO Challenge


On Thursday, February 21st. Don Evanson and Amanda Nesheiwat came to speak to Mrs. Hackel's and Mr. Bonin’s 5th Grade students about ideas for the “Great Lego Challenge” here at Huber Street School. Student teams from Huber St. are led by Mrs. Hackel and Mr. Bonin. Assisted by Mrs. Wurst and Mrs. O'Connor


Teams are asked to create a unique design incorporating at least 80 percent of the items contained in the Advanced Lego sets provided to the schools.  They can also just use the items in the set.

At their discretion, teams may add features and items from other Lego sets that they may have.

Design items should reflect an environmental theme, protection of natural resources or an item that helps people/society in some way.  Original designs must be created by the students in the teams  without assistance from parents or other adults  beyond the team leaders.


PRIZE by Secaucus Spectator for Winning Team in each school.