The learning stations included:
Tree of My Life Station
Every tree tells a story! At the Tree of My Life station, students created their own life story using the rings of a tree.
Tissue Paper Tree
In the fall, deciduous trees start to change their leaves. Using tissue paper squares and glue, students created their own autumn trees.
Spatter Prints
In this station, students used paint and leaves you will create a unique piece of leaf art.
Newspaper Planter
Have you ever wondered how many ways you can reuse newspaper? At this station, using only newspaper students created a flower planter.
Tree of Our Hands
We were at the end of winter with a leafless tree.. Students helped us get ready for spring by adding their hand leaves to our tree of hands creation.
As a result, students learned what makes a tree a tree, how to tell a tree’s age, how the patterns in the tree’s rings tell a story, how trees get their food, the products we receive from trees, what is the oldest tree and what is the tallest tree.
Thank you to the Meadowlands Environment Center, the parents and the second grade students for making our first Family Science NIght one to remember!