NJSLA Testing Dates Grades 3-5 will be tested in ELA & MathMay 1st, 2023 -May 5th, 20235th Grade will take the NJSLA Science May 16th, 2023 & May 17th, 2023ELA & Math make-ups will take place onMay 8th, 2023 - May 12th, 2023Science make-ups will take place onMay 18th, 2023 & May 19th, 2023
Charlotte’s Web The 3rd Grade Classes enjoyed a fun-filled Character Dress-Up & Movie Day for Charlotte’s Web. Students completed educational activities throughout the novel study and enjoyed eating snacks in the gym with their friends.
Trep$ The 5th grade students have studied entrepreneurship over the last few months and have reached the culminating portion of the program by creating products to actually sell to the consumer. The TREP$ Marketplace took place on Tuesday, May 9th in the Huber Street Auditorium. Students not only dressed the part of an entrepreneur, but did a phenomenal job with almost selling out of every item that they created that evening.
Torch Run Please see attached information regarding Law Enforcement Torch Run which will be held on Friday, June 9, 2023.All Torch Run permission slips are due on Monday, May 15, 2023.
4th Grade Field Trip Huber Street’s 4th grade students visited the Liberty House Museum where they used artifacts and hands-on activities to learn how the events leading up to the American Revolution shaped the difficult decisions faced by New Jersey colonists. They played colonial games, toured Governor Livingston’s home, made their own code books, and even used quill pen to sign a loyalty oath. Fun was had by all!!
Trep$ The 5th grade students would like to invite you to their TREP$ Marketplace on Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm in the Huber Street auditorium. The students have studied entrepreneurship over the last few months and have reached the culminating portion of their program by creating products to actually sell to the consumer. So please come out and see how hard these students have worked and support them at our 1st annual TREP$ Marketplace.
“The Super 2nd Graders” Ms. Zaller’ 2nd Grade Class recently became published authors! The students worked together to illustrate, author, and create a book. The title is called “The Super 2nd Graders”.
“Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape!” “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape!”Congratulations to the winners of the Fire Safety Poster Contest! (Not pictured: Diya Ambegaonkar) Secaucus Fire Department